C o n f e d e r a c y o f E u r o p e a n P a t e n t I n f o r m a t i o n U s e r G r o u p s

Confederacy of European
Patent Information User Groups

About the CEPIUG

European Patent Information Experts

Representing National User Groups

As the European organisation for patent information, the CEPIUG frequently is the first point of contact for national patent information groups or individuals outside Europe to patent information users within the European framework.

The CEPIUG maintains relationships to the European Patent Office an is represented in various committees at the EPO relating to patent information.

The CEPIUG is a recognised partner of the WIPO. We support the WIPO in various organisational tasks and patent information related activities.

Providing a Platform for Discussions

The CEPIUG serves as a central communication node for the European patent information groups. Communication between the patent information groups on an organisational level and on an individual level is supported by formal meetings of the groups as well as by informal gatherings of the individual members. On a group level, at least one annual meeting offers a framework for celebrating achievements, to discuss opportunities to reflect on challenges. Individual members meet at international conferences on patent information to discuss developments and to build personal relationships.


The members of the CEPIUG are the national patent information user groups from many European countries. We are in particular proud to represent those groups before the EPO and WIPO and submit delegates on behalf of out memeber organisations to the European and global patent authorities. Our memeber organisations are cooperating in the field of patent information by providing training and education to European users of patent information.