The CEPIUG is the federation of the European patent information user groups. Although the national patent information user groups act independently of the CEPIUG, the confederacy provides a platform for exchange between the national groups. Members meet either in person or via conference call at the annual CEPIUG conference. Informal meetings are usually held at EPO conferences.
The Italian Group focuses on protection, promotion and development of the profession of patent analyst and documentalist, of its own members in Italy and abroad. Members are mostly from the legal sector, followed by members from the corporate and public sector. The AIDB plays an important role in the CEPIUG and hosted the 10th anniversary conference in Milan.
Group Website:
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Most members of the Belgian Patent Information User Group are coming from the corporate sector, followed by members from the public sectors and from the legal profession.
BEPIUG website:
The British Patent Information User Group was formed in 1990 as Derwent UK User Group and established itself as the BPIP in 2012. Their annual meetings are an open forum for a frank exchange of ideas and opinions, to discuss patent data and quality, and to share best practices. Members are recruited from the corporate sector, service providers and the legal profession.
Most of the members of the CFIB are recruited from the corporate sector. Additionally, the group has members from the public sector and from the legal profession.
The Swiss Groups was founded in 2017 out of the need to establish an organisational structure for networking between patent information professionals. The group consists mainly of patent professionals working in corporations and service providers.
The Denish Group was established in 2002 and recruits its members from the corporate sector, the public sector and law firms. The activities of the group includes scheduled and ad hoc meetings featuring vendor presentations.
The German user group has been established as an informal group in 2016 at the PatInfo Conference in Ilmenau. Members usually meet in the summer at the PatInfo conference and in fall in Berlin. The group has close relations to the German Patent Office and major corporations through its members.
The SIPIG comprises members from the corporate sector, outsourcing agents / freelancers and patent attorney firms. The group features annual meetings and panel sessions e.g. relating to Asian patent data or patent landscaping.
The Spanish group was created in 2016. Members are drawn from the corporate and public sectors. The group features a mailing list for information exchange between the members.
Contact: Marta Ballbè (
The Turkish Patent Information Group (TURPIUG) was established in 2023 to meet the needs of patent information users in Turkey and Europe, to represent them and to promote the strategic use of patent information.
Group Website:
The Dutch group was founded in 1977 and is the largest patent information user group in Europe. Most of the members are working in the corporate sector. WON engages with its members by user meetings and seminars throughout the year.
Group Website: